Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A note on moving forward

Ugh. I hate to admit it, but I've fallen behind. Farther behind than I care to admit. Not so much with the reading, more just in making posts. It seems my previous plan to make a post about every topic covered in the book is just not feasible given my current work load and the depth of information covered in the book. I can say though that I have a plan for moving forward.

So here's the plan. I'm going to have to do more quick summary posts that point to outside resources for further clarification. Major topics that are central to a chapter's theme will still receive a deeper exploration. Things such as current technologies used to implement various controls will probably have to take a backseat. My focus is going to be on the principles behind security controls and not so much the controls themselves. Technology changes, but the principles (for the most part) stay the same.

So, with that being said, onward and upward!

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